'Delicate and fanciful flowers to crochet, made using fine crochet thread, are popular amongst crafters. Small in scale, the thread is transformed into a lush garden of lacy blossoms, leaves,
and plants. From ethereal ferns to abundant ivies to vibrant wildflowers there are patterns for every season. Portable and easy to make on the go, they are a great way to use up leftover
thread. Also, lace never goes out of style! The touch of elegance lace adds to garments and accessories makes this a wonderful book for crafters looking for timeless embellishments for their
projects. For those new to crochet, there's a quick refresher course at the beginning of the book. Then the directory of flowers, organized by color and season, will have readers returning to
the book all year round to create new designs for different occasions. Lastly, a projects section provides inspiration for using the finished flowers, whether you want to make a whole bouquet
to brighten a room or a single applique to embellish a garment orhat, the possibilities are endless!'--