The Manufacture Des Meubles De La Couronne Aux Gobelins Under Louis XIV: A Social, Political and Cultural History
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The Form of Meaning / the Meaning of Form: Studies in the History of Art from Late Antiquity to Jackson Pollock
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Art and Technology in Early Modern Europe
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Painting and Publishing As Cultural Industries: The Fabric of Creativity in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1800
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Example or Alter Ego?: Aspects of the Portrait Historie in Western Art from Antiquity to the Present
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Jewelry: From Pearls to Platinum to Plastic
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Art, Trade and Culture in the Islamic World and Beyond: From the Fatimids to the Mughals
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Yokai: Strange Beasts & Weird Spectres: 100 Japanese Triptychs
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A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture
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Art: Authenticity, Restoration, Forgery
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Tribing and Untribing the Archive: Identity and the Material Record in Southern Kwazulu-natal in the Late Independent and Coloni
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Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera
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South Asian Archaeology and Art 2012: Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives
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50 Modern Artists You Should Know
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Machine Art in the Twentieth Century
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Dressing the Part: Power, Dress, Gender, and Representation in the Pre-Columbian Americas
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Merleau-ponty Reframed: A Guide for the Arts Student
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In Praise of Hands
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Divine Golden Ingenious: The Golden Ratio As a Theory of Everything?
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Red: The History of a Color