Anxiety As Symptom and Signal
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Plasticity in the Central Nervous System: Learning and Memory
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The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation
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Sensory and Motor Difficulties in People with Autism And Asperger Syndrome
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Role of Autism in Shaping Society
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Privatised Motherhood: Confession and Anxiety in Neoliberal Times
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The Disordered Couple
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Social Neuroscience of Human-Animal Interaction
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Codependent Forevermore: The Invention of Self in a Twelve Step Group
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Dissociation and Psychosis: A Therapeutic Model
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Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology: Managerial Psychology and Organizational Approaches
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Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear into Health, Wealth and Happiness
$523 -
Broken Structures: Severe Personality Disorders and Their Treatment
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Psychology in the Work Context
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The Mind in Disorder: Psychoanalytic Models of Pathology
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Vision Without Space
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Cognitive Therapy for Mood Swings and Bipolar Disorders
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The Cognitive Psychology of False Memories: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology
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Theories of Autism
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The Joe Public Guide to Addiction (an Aid for Parents)