Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology
$8,775 -
Short Term/Working Memory: Second Quebec Conference on Short-term/Working: a Special Issue of Memory
$2,473 -
Neuropsychology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders
$5,000 -
Managing Careers
$2,383 -
Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology: Organizational Psychology
$7,875 -
Social Neuroscience of Human-Animal Interaction
$2,923 -
The Mind in Disorder: Psychoanalytic Models of Pathology
$2,248 -
Managing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion: A Psychological Perspective
$2,473 -
Surgeon, Heal Thyself: Optimising Surgical Performance by Managing Stress
$1,998 -
Vision Without Space
$2,248 -
Family Intervention for Severe Mental Illness: A Comprehensive Recovery-oriented Approach
$2,383 -
The Joe Public Guide to Addiction (an Aid for Parents)
$313 -
Sensory and Motor Difficulties in People with Autism And Asperger Syndrome
$1,348 -
The Superhuman Mind: Free the Genius in Your Brain
$560 -
Neurophenotypes: Advancing Psychiatry and Neuropsychology in the "Omics" Era
$5,355 -
Plasticity in the Central Nervous System: Learning and Memory
$2,473 -
Understanding Ad/Hd: Frequently Asked Questions
$698 -
Language Behaviors and Language Disorders in Bilingual Speakers
$2,600 -
Language Within Our Grasp: Brain Mechanisms in the Evolution and Acquisition of Language
$2,025 -
Role of Autism in Shaping Society