Start a simplicity revolution! Complexity is one of the biggest challenges facing modern business. It is slowing companies down, costing them on average 10% of their profits and harming
employee morale.From Complexity to Simplicity will equip you and your business with the tools you need to identify and eradicate complexity from your business model. Based on cutting-edge
research with the top-200 firms in the world, it takes you through real business case studies and offers a practical how to guide to ridding your business of these profit-killing
problems.Within the pages of the book you will discover: • What is complexity? What is simplicity?• The true costs of complexity• How to identify external and internal complexities• The
impact of complexity on managers, employees and different parts of the business• How to guide to removing complexity• How to communicate with simplicity• The simplicity tool kit – every thing
you need to make you a simplicity expertFrom Complexity to Simplicity will show you how to start your own simplicity revolution and how to add value to your business. So keep it simple and do
better business every day.