Let’s get this book started out on the right foot…with the truth! We’ve all seen those late-night TV commercials with the guy in the funny jacket telling us that all of our money problems can
be solved by simply getting a government grant. “Get a grant to start a business, write a book, buy a house…scratch your nose! A government grant will solve all of your problems. Just send
$69.95 to the address at the bottom of your screen and start raking in the money!” Does that sound a little too good to be true? I know; I wish it were all true, too! The fact of the matter is,
there IS some truth hiding in there. So…if you thought you would buy this book, fill out a few forms and get a big check from Uncle Sam, you need to think about that a bit. If it was that easy,
don’t you think everyone would be receiving grant money? Do you know anyone who has received a grant? Well, you might well be the first one on your block! You CAN receive grant funds. You just
have to know where to look and what to do and who to talk to. You have to use a “laser beam” focus instead of a shotgun approach. This book will point you in the right direction, give you the
right information and tools and walk you step-by step through the process. It truly can “Unleash Your Life.” So, what do you say? You’ve heard the truth, are you ready to get started? GOOD!
Let’s go!