Customer demands for individual attention and specialized products are transforming commerce at every stage—including the supply chain. Today’s highstakes economy requires dynamic, market-savvy
sales and operations planning (S&OP) to keep pace with accelerating service demands and response times.It’s not as daunting as it sounds with the tools, tips, and case studies in The
Market-Driven Supply Chain. This practical yet expansive book helps organizations transition from outdated supply-driven processes to new market-driven models. Readers learn how to:• Use robust
analytics for conducting value segmentations and simulation analyses• Develop a customer-centric culture and a collaborative organizational structure• Dynamically rebalance the inventory mix to
improve capacity and reduce costs• Retool 26 management processes to achieve market-savvy S&OPUnlike other books that focus on only supply chain strategies or S&OP or lean
manufacturing, this book’s sophisticated approach unifies all three areas, and it’s the only one to explain how to operate in today’s on-demand environment.