- 作者:Crichton,Michael/ Preston,Richard
- 出版社:HarperCollins
- 出版日期:2012-09-25
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0060873175
- ISBN13:9780060873172
- 裝訂:平裝 / 12.1 x 21 x 3.8 cm / 普通級
In the locked office of a Honolulu building, three men are found dead, with no sign of struggle except for ultrafine, razor-sharp cuts covering their bodies.
In the lush rain forests of Oahu, groundbreaking technology has ushered in a revolutionary era of biological prospecting. Here, seven brilliant graduate students recruited by a pioneering microbiology start-up company are thrust into a hostile wilderness that reveals profound and surprising dangers at every turn. Prey to a technology of radical and unbridled power — armed only with their knowledge of the natural world — they must harness the inherent forces of nature itself to survive.
Melding scientific fact with pulse-pounding fiction in vintage Michael Crichton fashion — completed by visionary science writer Richard Preston — Micro is an instant classic of sophisticated, cutting-edge entertainment.
麥克.克萊頓(Michael Crichton, 1942-2008)
1968年以Jeffery Hudson為筆名發表的第一部小說《死亡手術室》,就獲得年度最佳懸疑小說艾倫坡獎,其後四十年的創作生涯共寫出包括《海盜經緯》、《NEXT危基當前》、《恐懼之邦》、《奈米獵殺》、《侏羅紀公園》、《失落的世界》、《桃色機密》、《火車大劫案》、《剛果驚魂》、《旭日東昇》、《地動天驚》、《天外病菌》等雄踞排行榜的17部暢銷小說,以及《旅行開麥拉》等4本非小說著作和《龍捲風》、《鑽石宮》、《八號房禁地》等5部電影劇本。由於小說中融合了最新的科技知識與豐富想像,筆法驚悚而震懾人心,故有「科技驚悚小說之父」美名。
Michael Crichton has sold over 200 million books, which have been translated into thirty-six languages; thirteen of his books have been made into films. His novels include Next, State of Fear, Timeline, Jurassic Park, and The Andromeda Strain. Also known as a filmmaker and the creator of ER, he remains the only writer to have had the number-one book, movie, and TV show simultaneously. At the time of Crichton's death in 2008, he was well into the writing of Micro; Richard Preston was selected to complete the novel.
理查.普雷斯頓(Richard Preston)
美國著名科普作家,普林斯頓大學博士,自1985年開始為《紐約客》雜誌長期撰稿,作品《伊波拉浩劫》(The Hot Zone)曾高踞《紐約時報》非小說類暢銷排行榜61週,並改編為電影《危機總動員》,與他的另外兩部作品《試管中的惡魔》(The Demon in the Freezer)及《眼鏡蛇事件》(The Cobra Event,遠流出版)並稱「黑色生物學三部曲」,備受好評。也寫過紅杉林攀樹人的故事《爬野樹的人》(The Wild Trees,遠流出版)。
Richard Preston is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author of eight books, including The Hot Zone and The Wild Trees. Many of Preston's books have first appeared in The New Yorker. He has won numerous awards, including the American Institute of Physics Award and the National Magazine Award, and he is the only person not a medical doctor to receive the Centers for Disease Control's Champion of Prevention Award for public health. He lives with his wife and three children near Princeton, New Jersey.