The Candy Roses of Cape Care is the third installment in The Beantown Tales: Green Series where a group of six cousins ��ally��together to save a magical beach's candy sprouting roses from
extinction. Growing every sweet treat imaginable from lollipops to gummy bears, the team must work fast to clean up their sandy shores before pollution threatens to halt the production of an
enchanted potion produced by the sea. Keeping in theme with the prequels, The Land of Chocolate Cosmos (winner of the 2011 Green Difference Book by the Massachusetts Green Schools Org and 2011
Honorable Mention by the New England Book Festival) and The Popcorn Hydrangea of Poppingtom, the author educates while empowering readers to make key changes within their communities. This book
tantalizes tummies with yummy imagery nestled in fantastical worlds.