Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Nestor the Hamster, like most every other pet, has everything he could ever want: a family that loves him and plenty to eat. Whenever the family leaves the house, though, Nestor remains alone
and sad. One day, the hamster hides at the bottom of the family�� picnic basket and accompanies them to the park. While there, he�� so captivated by the beauty of the scene that he doesn��
notice when his owners leave him behind. Will he ever be reunited with them again?
Vibrantes y humor穩sticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en�su jard穩n.
N矇stor H獺mster, como casi cualquier otro animal de compa簽穩a, tiene todo lo que pudiera querer: una familia que lo quiere y bastante de comer. Siempre que la familia se va de la casa, sin
embargo, N矇stor se queda solo y triste. Un d穩a, el h獺mster se esconde en el fondo de la cesta de almuerzo y acompa簽a a la familia al parque. Al llegar, queda tan maravillado por la naturaleza
del lugar que no se da cuenta cuando se van y lo dejan. 聶Lograr獺 reunirse de nuevo con su familia?
The Quest for Pie
$453 -
In the Ocean: Rattle Included
$175 -
The Perfect Siesta: Junior Library Guild Selection
$558 -
Birds & Other Animals With Pablo Picasso
$348 -
Are You a Monkey?: A Tale of Animal Charades
$504 -
Sarah Era Una Aranita De Siete Patas /Sarah was a Seven-Legged Spider
$550 -
The Pet I’ll Get
$280 -
The Best-ever Four-minute Storybook: 35 Stories About Adorable Teddy Bears, Puppies and Bunnies
$525 -
Snowy the Zebra
$838 -
Fair Wind to Widdershins
$210 -
Working Together!
$315 -
Rain Reign
$280 -
Think, Dear! Three Stories About Charles: Includes Keep Your Mouth Closed, Dear; Use Your Head, Dear; and Are You Thinking Again
$525 -
Kiss Kiss
$245 -
Little Whale in Deep Trouble: A Story Inspired by a True Event
$350 -
Bow Wow Meow
$593 -
The Bolds to the Rescue
$595 -
Ten Hungry Turkeys
$595 -
A Perfect Friend
$175 -
Good Night Birds