Liebowitz (management and technology, U. of Maryland U. College) assembles 15 chapters in this new edition of his text, which focuses on the use of collaboration and social networking in
knowledge management. Business and technology specialists and academics from the US, Europe, Mexico, Canada, India, and Israel present cases, applications, concepts, techniques, methodologies,
issues, and trends such as clinical commissioning hubs as innovation network orchestrators, religious communities as communities of practice for knowledge professionals, cross-cultural
technology-mediated collaboration, enabling knowledge exchange to improve health outcomes through a multipartner global health program, an approach to collaborative experience management,
real-time knowledge management, building vertical and horizontal networks to support knowledge sharing, social network analysis in pharmaceutical sales and marketing, visual knowledge networks
analysis, fostering research collaboration and scientific networking at a university, and knowledge-enabled teams of leaders. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (