London Sartorial: Men’s Style from Street to Bespoke
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Fashioning Identity: Status Ambivalence in Contemporary Fashion
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Rebel Threads: Vintage Streetwear
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The Common Thread: The Warp and Weft of Thinking
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London Uprising: Fifty Fashion Designers, One City
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The World of Anna Sui
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Photoshop and Illustrator for Fashion and Textile Design: A Quick Guide
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Tartan + Tweed
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Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion
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Degas, Impressionism, and the Paris Millinery Trade
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Clothing Art: The Visual Culture of Fashion 1600-1914
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The Sweater: A History
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Costume & Fashion
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Fashion in the 1950s
$490 -
Street Fashion Moscow
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The History of Fashion Journalism
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The Fashion Studies Book
$7,650 -
The Vulgar: Fashion Redefined
$2,275 -
The History of Fashion Journalism
$5,130 -
The Fashion Studies Book