Though the Southeastern Conference football season is still months away, the fans��obsession is year-round. So head coach Von Driver will take his motivational magic and his Isosceles
Triangle of Success on a Pigskin Cavalcade to the small towns in the state. Raymond Love, a young coach unfamiliar with the banquet circuit of big-shot boosters and chat-room gurus, will
go along as his wide-eyed errand boy.
Also on the trip is the athletic director�� daughter, whom Love has tried to win by joining her book club�� dubious strategy at best. The football aspects of the Cavalcade will prove child��
play compared to the literary hazards he faces.
Will Love master the art of coach-speak? Will he win the affection of the girl? Find out in this fist-bumping, high-fiving, all-out comedic blitz about the sublimely ridiculous world of college