
A tribute to the theater and its life behind the scenes, this novel revolves around�the Salterton Youth Theater, an amateur theater company, as�it puts on a production of Shakespeare's The Tempest. The production will be held in the beautiful gardens of St. Agnes, where George Alexander Webster�resides with�his two daughters, and the preparations have brought about an upheaval in the gardens as well as in the lives of all those involved. The life of Hector Mackilwraith, the stubborn math teacher and theater company treasurer, will be especially altered after he decides to spice up his insubstantial life by showing up to casting and�is surprisingly�cast�in�one of the leading roles.
Un�homenaje al teatro y a la vida entre bastidores, esta novela revolotea en torno al Teatro Joven de Salterton, una compa簽穩a amateur, que va a poner en marcha una representaci籀n de La tempestad de Shakespeare. La producci籀n se llevar獺 a cabo en�los jardines de St. Agnes,�donde George Alexander Webster�reside con�sus dos hijas, y los preparativos para la misma revolucionan�los jardines al igual que�las vidas de quienes participan en ella. En especial se�altera�la vida del taciturno profesor de matem獺ticas y tesorero de la compa簽穩a Hector Mackilwraith, quien se propone variar su vida insustancial�present獺ndose al casting y quien asombrosamente consigue hacerse con uno de los papeles principales.
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