Kids love tattoos, and this book is packed with terrific temporary tattoos! Fearsome dragon tattoos come with illustrated descriptions of each dragon's origin in folklore, fable, or magic tale.
Here are forest dragons, and mountain dragons, ice dragons, and others, plus descriptions of dragon fire, dragon spells, and much, much more. Each of the 24 tattoos is complemented with
interesting illustrated features that will keep kids entertained when they aren't decorating their arms with colorful images. The tattoos are applied by placing them on the skin, moistening
with water, then sliding away the backing paper to show the image. Moms and Dads will be happy to learn that all tattoos are perfectly safe and easy to remove from even the most delicate skin.
Simply apply a little bit of baby oil or adhesive tape--or wait for 3-to-5 days, at which time the tattoo simply fades away.