Royalty has its privileges, even when you��e thirty-fourth in line to the throne, as Lady Georgiana Rannoch discovers on the glamorous��nd dangerous��rench
Why should my clueless brother, Binky, and his decidedly disagreeable wife, Fig, be the only ones to enjoy the fun and sun of the French Riviera? Thankfully, Her
Majesty the Queen has once again come to my rescue. She is sending me off to Nice with a secret assignment��ecover her priceless, stolen snuff box from the disreputable Sir Toby Groper.
Her Majesty�� trust is an honor, but an even greater honor is bestowed upon me in Nice��one other than Coco Chanel herself asks me to model her latest fashion. Unfortunately, things go
disastrously wrong on the catwalk and before I can snatch the snuff box, someone�� life is snuffed out in a very dastardly way. With a murderer on the loose��nd my dearest Darcy seen in the
company of another woman��ow�� a girl to find any time to go to the casino?