Ranging from the riotously comic to the nostalgic, edgy, and suspenseful, these sixteen stories offer richly developed and engaging portraits of characters across the spectrum of life, all
absorbed by the thrill of fly-fishing. A marriage betrayal on a trout stream in the north woods, a young boy�� coming of age as a fly fisherman in the Black Hills of South Dakota, angler
rage on the redfish flats of the Gulf of Mexico, an epic quest for bullish rainbows in Montana�� celebrated Bighorn, the quiet mystique of Wisconsin�� Brule River, the intensity of combat
fishing on a salmon pool in the Pacific Northwest, these are just a few of the fascinating tales of fly-fishing offered in Sunlit Riffles and Shadowed Runs. Rendered in sparkling
prose that will resonate with every angler, this collection will also delight any reader who enjoys outdoor pastimes.