Elephant 11 Summer 2012: The Arts & Visual Culture Magazine
- 作者:Marc (EDT),Valli
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2012-09-11
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:9077174737
- ISBN13:9789077174739
- 裝訂:平裝 / 21.6 x 27.3 x 1.9 cm / 普通級
Elephant?a quarterly magazine from the makers of Frame?focuses its keen eye on art and visual culture.
Lately, creative individuals have been protesting against the corporate nature of things, often taking the initiative and setting up new independent ventures. Elephant looks at how it's done. Elephant visits art and design studios, peers over shoulders, steps on graffiti artists' toes, disturbs rehearsals, interrupts takes, rides fixed-gear bikes, and plays the latest computer games.
Elephant's tone of voice is direct, sincere, and multidisciplinary. Elephant believes it's time for less cynicism and more encouragement for outbursts of spontaneity?think of those that gave birth to futurism, dadaism, and surrealism.
Elephant is the first and only visually oriented art magazine that features over two hundred pages of high-quality, up-to-date, original creative material from all over the world. A magazine on contemporary art and visual culture that features up-to-the-minute visual material, fresh faces, and original voices, uncovering new trends and talent.
What readers will find in each issue of Elephant: