The breakfast of sages. Adapted from the wise bestseller The Little Zen Companion, the Zen Calendar offers a quote, koan, parable, or sutra for an enlightened start to every day. The Zen
of Henry Miller: ��f there is to be any peace, it will come through being, not having.��/i> The Zen of Confucius: ��o know that you know, and to know that you don�� know��hat is real
wisdom.��/i> The Zen of Kahlil Gibran: �� discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon the dewdrop.��/i> Plus the Zen of Dogen, the Zen of Lao- Tzu, and the Zen of the Buddha
himself: ��top, stop. Do not speak. The ultimate truth is not even to think.��/i>