Mighty Maharajas: Forts & Palaces of India

Mighty Maharajas: Forts & Palaces of India
NT $ 2,625


India is home to many magnificent palaces and fortresses, the histories of which are intimately related to the country�� long record of disputes between neighboring kingdoms, and the rise and fall of ruling maharajas. Featured here are some 60 of these architectural wonders, dating from antiquity through the colonial era (ending in 1947). A gigantic fort, often built into a rugged mountainside, was the best protection for a ruler and his family, subjects, and government from enemy attacks. Many forts sheltered entire cities, including the residences of courtiers and trusted nobles, which surrounded luxurious and secluded palaces and were centered on temples. This opulent tour begins in ancient India, when dynasties began to be established, and proceeds geographically through the Rajput, Bundelkhand, sultanates, southern kingdoms, Mughal, Maratha, Sikh, Hill, East India, up through the forts of colonial settlers.

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