According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 79 million adults in the United States have pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels
are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes. If it is not controlled, pre-diabetes will likely lead to diabetes. The most common prescription for pre-diabetes is the "no
whites" diet combined with exercise. The "no whites" diet involves eliminating white flour, white sugar and white rice from your diet. In May 2009, Jennifer DeVries was diagnosed with
pre-diabetes. Her doctor told her to follow the "no whites" diet and get more exercise or her condition could turn into diabetes. A month later, Jennifer was in her doctor's office saying that
she had terrible sugar cravings. The doctor told her that these cravings would decrease over time. That just didn't happen. Jennifer's cravings caused her to research and experiment with
creating high quality baked goods that met her dietary requirements. If you are pre-diabetic, or just want to eat healthier baked goods, this book will provide you with the tasty recipes that
she developed.