Examining how the rise of book illustration affected the historic hegemony of the word, Keri Yousif explores the complex literary and artistic relationship between the novelist Honor璽e de
Balzac and the illustrator J. J. Grandville during the French JulyMonarchy (1830-1848). Both collaborators and rivals, these towering figures struggled for dominance in the Parisian book trade
at the height of the Romantic revolution and its immediate aftermath. Both men were social portraitists who collaborated on theinfluential encyclopedic portrayal of nineteenth-century society,
'les fran簸cais peints par eux-m瓊emes'. However, their collaboration soon turned competitive with Grandville's publication of Sc獺enes de la vie priv璽ee et publique des animaux, a visual parody
of Balzac's Sc獺enes de la vie priv璽ee. Yousif investigates Balzac's and Grandville's individual and joint artistic productions in terms of the larger economic and aesthetic struggles within the
nineteenth-century arena of cultural production.