The Teaching of Instrumental Music - 4th Edition by Richard J. Colwell and Michael P. Hewitt (Prentice Hall, 2010) / 456 pages / 8.5 x
11 / $140.80 (paper)
PubAlley: 52 units, $7,039.80
BookScan: 303 records
WorldCat: 745 records
PubTrak: 235 units since fall term 2006
Teaching Instrumental Music: Developing the Complete Band Program by Shelley Jagow (Meredith Music, 2007) / 304 pages / 8.5 x 11 / $34.95
PubAlley: 167 units, $5,856.07
BookScan: 1,010 records
WorldCat: 94 records
PubTrack: 347 units since fall term 2006
Teaching Band & Orchestra - Methods and Materials by Lynn G. Cooper (GIA Publications: 2004) / 408 pages / 7 x 10 / $42
PubAlley: 526 units, $21,175.42
BookScan: 1,851 records
WorldCat: 206 records
PubTrak: 1,513 units since fall term 2006