TO:� UNIT 3 Chicago
SUBJECT:��Specimen Retrieval
TARGET: Shadowy hunter-killer teams, ID'ed via�signature kills�worldwide. Identifiable only�by skull-spine removal from victims. No witnesses, no forensics, no particular race targeted.
On rare occasions, scraps of what appear to be playing cards�found at murder sites.
OBJECTIVE: Locate and capture any member of such teams. MUST be taken alive for study and observation.
AUTHORIZATION APPROVED FOR USE OF OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR:�Individual ID'ed only as "Cross" and his team.�A pure mercenary outfit,�well known throughout�criminal underworld--no inside
informants available.�Ruthless, undeterred by risk, rumored never to fail, but UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES to be trusted.�No known political or social objective, but�has proven�treacherous when
retained by government in the past.
UPDATE: Cross and his team claim to have�identified a pattern�to the signature-kills, and�believe they�can predict a forthcoming strike.�They�are prepared to personally
confront-and-capture,�but financial arrangement�alone not sufficient. What you describe as a�"Get Out of Jail Free" card is hereby APPROVED.