Shapiro (communication, U. of Miami) documents prime time programming on 20 different major cable networks that have aired original programs from January 1990 to December 2010: A&E, ABC
Family, AMC, BET, Bravo, Comedy Central, the Disney Channel, FX, GSN, HBO, Lifetime, MTV, Nickleodeon, Oxygen, Showtime, Spike, TBS, TNT, USA, and VH1. With chapters organized by network then
program, he introduces each network and its history, start date, current ownership, sister networks, and its most popular and successful original prime time series, then lists each series that
was aired, its dates, program type, origin, and scheduling history, with a brief description. He gathered information from TV Guide, Satellite Direct, Access, the networks, and personal
experience and observation. Annotation 穢2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (