The Soviet Union, 1983: If you want to get ahead, don't succeed too much.
Made in Yaroslavl follows two shameless fraudsters, forerunners of the present day Russian gangsters, as they scour the Soviet Union in search of the essential ingredients of the renowned
Yaroslavl pickled cucumber. They only have a very short time to convert the factory from making knitted jumpers to producing pickled cucumbers before it is inspected by the Ministry.
The book shows how, under a repressive system of government, it is very hard for the average person to remain honest. It is even harder for our two heroes, who must face down the triple threat
of jealous rivals, the mysterious Guild of Master Picklers and the humble pickle worm. Throughout these escapades, they keep up their spirits by inventing new ways to insult the intelligence of
each other and of anyone else who will listen.
Made in Yaroslavl is a brilliant satire that takes you on a rip-roaring adventure through the heart of the Soviet empire.