Sixteen million Americans (5% of our population) are crippled by serious mental illness. The numbers of mentally-disabled needing supplemental income is now 6 times what it was in 1955.After a
brief assessment of our profound problems in treating mental illness, the book reveals a new, more effective and less costly paradigm to diagnose and treat the causes of emotional disturbance
that has been developing in Brazil. Through compelling, engaging stories of real people, it spells out this new form of integrative mental health care that emphasizes the spiritual aspects of
mental illness. It describes the new forms of diagnostics and treatment in which conventional medical doctors collaborate with spiritual healers. The stories and descriptions colorfully and
definitively illustrate a practical, cost-effective system, tested and developed for more than eighty years in Brazil, that can lead patients to mental health.Resources in the USA that are
similar to the model of care available in Brazil are clearly described along with contact information. All information and recommendations for further learning are well organized, making this
book an excellent guide and an inspiring reference for individuals wanting to recover from emotional disturbances, their families, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, healthcare
providers and students of healthcare.