The first in a series of high-octane thrillers featuring SAS trained politician Harry�Jones,�from the author of�Churchill's Hour and Winston's War
The world is peering into the terrifying chasm of a new kind of conflict, where computers take over from missiles and global damnation comes at the click of a button. Cyber-warfare can
bring nations to their knees, switching off energy lifelines, crippling the financial markets, and starving leaders of authority. An old Russian nuclear reactor goes into Chernobyl-style
meltdown, while on the other side of the world, the east coast of the U.S. is plunged into darkness. Nobody knows yet who is responsible for the chaos. Under conditions of the most
compelling secrecy the two leaders of Britain and Russia gather with the most powerful woman in the world, the�President of the United States, to combat the threat. Yet they bring with them
old wounds and personal agendas that split them apart. Harry Jones is with them and in the few crucial hours they have to decide the fate of the planet, he must try to save them from
themselves. Terrifying decisions must be made. Not everyone can survive.