The Journal of Business Ethics was founded by Alex C. Michalos and Deborah C. Poff and published its first issue in March 1982. It is the most frequently cited business ethics journal in the
world. The Journal has always offered a multi-disciplinary and international public forum for the discussion of issues concerning the interaction of successful business and moral virtue. Its
authors and readers are primarily scholars and students in social sciences and philosophy , with special interests in the interaction of these disciplines with business or corporate
responsibility. Since the field of business ethics grew simultaneously with the growth of the Journal, a collection of its most cited articles is tantamount to a collection of the articles that
had the greatest influence in defining the field over its first 30 years of development. In this anniversary volume, an overview of citation classics from the Journal is presented, the 33 most
frequently cited articles are reproduced and brief reflections on the impact of the Journal on the field are given from over 100 scholars who authored citation classics and/or distinguished
papers, as well as those who served on the Editorial Board and/or are recognized as leaders in the field.