Sarah Beauhall is a blacksmith, has a night job as a props manager for a low-budget movie, and spends her free time fighting in a medieval reenactment group. Her world falls apart when she discovers that dragons are real and live among us as shapeshifters; in fact, it is they who have been the secret masters of our world from time immemorial. On top of all this, it appears that Sarah has managed to reforge an ancient sword that everyone suddenly wants...and those who don�� want the weapon want Sarah to take on her destiny and become humanity�� saviour.
As Sarah tries to make her way in this new world, she discovers just how little she knows of reality. Fairies and dwarves and giants abound, the fault line of the Pacific Northwest is rife with ancient Norse magic. Odin himself appears with ravens at his side and cryptic advice for the fledgling heroine. And the cherry on the sundae? The discovery that Sarah�� girlfriend is from a family that has been battling these forces for generations and they look to Sarah as their last best hope.
What�� a girl to do when the powers of the world decide that you��e responsible for cleaning up the magical mess?
Honeyed Words is the second book in J. A. Pitts' Sarah Beauhall series.