The inside story of how Liverpool FC came within hours of being repossessed by the banks after the shambolic 44-month reign of American owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett
This�is a tale of debts, lies, cowboys, and�a civil war that dragged Britain's most successful football club to its knees, through the High Court, and almost into administration. Players
Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher tell of their anger at the broken promises, as well as their pain at watching loyal fans in open revolt. The manager, the chief executive, board
members, leading fans, and journalists reveal the turmoil at a revered sporting institution run by two men at war with each other, and who trampled the notion of The Liverpool Way into
the gutter. No story sums up the naked greed at the heart of modern football quite like Hicks' and Gillett's attempt to turn a quick buck at Liverpool, and no one has had as much access
to the truth, or tells it with as much passion, wit, and insight as Brian Reade.