Of the ten million or so different species of insects on our planet, none is more fascinating than the honeybee. Magnified hundreds to thousands of times with a high resolution scanning
electron microscope, honeybees become architectural masterpieces an elegant fusion of form and function. Now available in paperback, Bee presents sixty astonishing photographs of honeybee
anatomy in magnifications ranging from 10x to 5000x. Rendered in stunning detail, these photographs uncover the strange beauty of the honeybee s pattern, form, and structure. Comprising 6,900
hexagonal lenses, their eyes resemble the structure of a honeycomb. The bee's six-legged exoskeleton is fuzzy with hairs that build up a static charge as it flies in order to electrically
attract pollen. Wings clasp together with tiny hooks, and a double-edged stinger resembles a serrated hypodermic needle. These visual discoveries, made otherworldly through photographer
Rose-Lynn Fisher's lens, expand the boundaries of our thinking about the natural world and stimulate our imaginations.