《Arlo Needs Glasses》以狗狗阿洛近視,搭配在各項生活中因近視所帶來的挫折與難題,讓孩子從故事中認識視力的重要性,以及近視可能帶來的不便;提醒爸爸媽媽從孩子的生活舉止變化中,查覺孩子可能遭遇的學習問題。本書生動地從附件的眼鏡、模糊的視力表、可拉動的抛接遊戲…等立體活動中,邊玩邊學習保護視力的觀念。【文∕博客來外文館】
Every child who wears glasses will know just how Arlo feels, and will feel better because of it. And every parent will want that child to know that glasses are cool and fun and enable us to
do the things we want to do. Take Arlo: He’s a shaggy, free-spirited dog who loves to play catch, until one day he can’t. He can’t see the ball anymore. He needs glasses!
In this inventive, interactive picture book created by Barney Saltzberg, the bespectacled author ofBeautiful Oops!, who charms young readers and their parents with a perfect light touch and
joyful spirit, kids get to do just what Arlo does to solve his problem. They read an eye chart, look through a fold-out phoropter (that big machine optometrists use), and try on different pairs
of glasses — movie star glasses! superhero glasses! mad scientist glasses! And they interact with Arlo as he rediscovers how to be the best ball-catcher in the neighborhood and picks up a new
favorite pastime along the way — reading! One out of five school-age children needs glasses. Arlo will show them just how lucky they are.