Recruit, develop, and train high-performance global leadership to create a powerful competitive advantage for your business
As businesses become more multinational, the need for leadership talent that travels across borders has never been greater. Presenting a wealth of original, previously unpublished research,
Winning the Global Leadership Challenge is the handbook on high-performance global leadership that explains what you need to know about the role of leadership in the modern global
organization, and how you can source the leaders that are the best fit for your global growth strategies.
Drawing on decades of collective experience as practitioners, researchers, and consultants, Linda Sharkey, a senior HR executive at GE and HP, and a global team of author-experts identify the
five critical dimensions of global leaders; define what each dimension looks like in action; and clearly illustrate how to assess an organization, its business units, and its leaders for
global capability. Finally, the book shows how to recruit, retain and develop global leaders at all levels. Easy to read, and simple to apply, this book's insight, approaches, and tools
provide a cogent overview and proven framework for building effective leaders for the global organization of today.
- Includes in-depth coverage of all aspects of global leadership
- Integrates tools and techniques for assessing, selecting, developing, and retaining global leaders
- Co-author Robert A. Cooke is the developer of the Organizational Culture Inventory and several other surveys used in organizational research