Metal rusts, belief crumbles, war is eternal?the battle for Penrose continues in the second installment in the series
Appointed the Commander of the Emperor's Army of Sangrel, Wa-Ka-Mo-Do of Ko tries to establish relations between the existing robot population and the humans who have recently arrived on
Yukawa. On the continent of Shull, Kavan forms the Uncertain Army and�marches to Artemis City.�However, discovering that the city's generals have made an alliance with the humans, he retreats
to Stark where he plans the overthrow of Artemis and the humans. Karel�too is on a journey?to be�reunited with his wife Susan, and to learn more about his place on Penrose. But as tensions
between robot and humans grow,�it's only a matter of time before problems arise, and it's becoming more and more apparent that the humans are a lot more powerful than the robots first