Montanan cowboy Kit and his dog Willy host a hilarious and subversive look at (not quite all of the) dogs�of�the world��rom Labradors to Shar Peis to Balloon Dogs (they only last about a
week, less if you have a cactus)
The Dachshund is probably the most sausage-like thing there is, other than a sausage. Don't keep him in the fridge however, as he will eat EVERYTHING.
Hilarious and adorable�illustrations�accompany important dog facts (The Old English Sheep Dog can't see where it is going) and advice (What you will need: Plenty of glue and tape
for sticking all your broken things back together again.) Adults and children alike�will enjoy this irreverent and loving look at different breeds, while�benefiting from its�lessons
(Never put a Bichon Fris矇 in a bubble bath. You will not find it again.) From the ink-spattered cover to the bark code on the back, this is a visual�delight�for booklovers and
doglovers alike.