Learn�the Basics with Just One Page of Activities Each Day!
Sylvan Learning's First Grade Page Per Day: Math Skills uses engaging games and activities to help children become familiar with real-world math concepts, including:
繚�Numbers & Operations to 20
繚�Adding Sums & Subtracting Differences
繚�Place Values & Number Sense
繚�Geometry & Shapes
繚�Telling Time
繚�Counting Money
Students improve their math skills while they complete fun activities, such as:
繚�Showing "chart smarts" by reading charts to determine how many people like hamburgers better than pizza, or prefer hockey to soccer
繚�Determining how many cupcakes are left on the plate after the Cupcake Eater eats some
繚�Connecting pictures of quarters, nickels, and dimes with pictures of toys with a matching
price tag
繚�And much more!
With perforated pages that can easily be removed for short, portable lessons, First Grade Page Per Day: Math Skillswill help give your child daily exposure to activities that are
both fun and educational!