Rita's uncle, Daniel, searches for an alchemist's diary�in Prague in this humorous novel filled with magic.�The great alchemist Gatuso, who sought to transform�common metals�into gold, was
rumored to have succeeded before meeting a mysterious end. While helping her uncle, Rita discovers that people tell many legends, including those about alchemists,�and that sometimes those
stories get confused with reality.
El�t穩o de Rita, Daniel, busca el diario de un alquimista en Praga en esta novela humor穩stica llena de magia. El gran alquimista Gatuso, quien buscaba transformar metales comunes en
oro,�era sospechado de haberlo logrado antes de�llegar a�un misterioso final. Mientras ayuda a su t穩o, Rita descubre que circulan muchas leyendas, incluyendo aqu矇llas sobre los alquimistas, y
que a veces esas historias se confunden con la realidad.