La granja de los siete establos / The Farm with the Seven Stables

La granja de los siete establos / The Farm with the Seven Stables
NT $ 678


In a farm with seven stables live a horse, two cows, three pigs, four sheep, five goats, six rabbits, and seven chickens. One night, the farmer hears the howling of a wolf and runs from his bed to the stables. Will all the animals be asleep in their stables? Lifting the book's flaps, children follow along as the farmer checks in on all of his animals to make sure they're safe and sound.
En una granja con siete establos viven un�caballo, dos vacas, tres cerdos, cuatro ovejas, cinco cabras, seis conejos y siete gallinas. Una noche, el granjero oye aullar a un lobo y�corre desde su�cama hacia los establos. 聶Estar獺n todos los animales dormidos en sus establos? Abriendo las solapas del libro,�los ni簽os acompa簽an al granjero mientras visita a todos sus animales para asegurarse de que est獺n sanos y salvos.
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