Required reading from great poets of our time. Drew Barrymore: ��pon Pondering Breasts.��Tom Cruise: ��n Exegesis on Psychiatry.��Ann Coulter: ��y Kind of Fun.��And Trump and Sheen and Snooki,
John Boehner and Michelle Bachman, Miley and Ke$ha. Hugo Chavez. Even a Zen haiku by Emmitt Smith:
I think it's his self-
confidence in himself that
makes him confident.
With their great gift for curating the inane public utterances of celebrities, politicians, and other self-important loudmouths, Kathryn and Ross Petras offer a timeless collection of
��ound��poetry��eal quotes formatted as verse for hilarious and surprising effect. The quotes are inherently addictive and funny��ut turning them into verse intensifies the effect, making the
words even more ridiculous, parodies to revel in. And the Petrases take it one step further: organizing the poems by themes, introducing each work with a Norton Anthology mock
seriousness, discussing ��chools,��and larding the text with footnotes, The Anthology of Really Important Modern Poetry is pure deadpan pleasure. A whiff of Emily Dickinson in Ann
Coulter? It's literary treasure, right under our noses.