
Written from the heart and illustrated with colorful, expressive art, I Love You, Baby Deer is a beautiful picture book story of the life of an orphaned baby deer and her young friend, Grace. Grace and Pineapple become number one best friends and share many fun adventures together at the farm and in the city. As they grow older and learn more about life, their relationship teaches them many important lessons. [Back copy] I Love You, Baby Deer is a poignant true story of how love, friendship, and trust blossomed between a beautiful young girl, Grace, and the orphaned baby deer she and her family took in and named Pineapple. This story follows their adventures as Pineapple grows older with her newfound, loving family and best friend, Grace. Although a personal story, the reality that Grace and Pineapple eventually have to say good-bye teaches all of us the painful and beautiful lesson of letting go. I Love You, Baby Deer reminds us that we often have to part with those we love in order for them to enjoy the life they were meant to live.
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