The single most important task for a prospective franchisee (or small businessperson) is to prepare a realistic cash flow statement that accurately reflects the economic potential of a
franchise (business). How Much Can I Make? is an ?insider's guide��that provides historical sales, expense and/or profit data on actual franchise operations to establish a solid basis
upon which to make these critical financial projections. Over 100 Financial Performance Representations, prepared by the franchisors themselves, are included for major industry categories.
The roster of franchisors included runs from the McDonald's and Burger Kings of the world to several newer, smaller franchises with significantly fewer operating units. Only about 35 percent
of franchisors provide this information. Given that franchisors are not allowed to make, or even discuss, any financial projections other than those published in their Franchise Disclosure
Documents, this hard-to-obtain data is especially useful.
In addition, the author provides a detailed profile of each franchisor, its logo and detailed worksheets as well as his own insights into making meaningful projections.