Have a gorgeous home while unapologetically cutting a few corners, with this�home and lifestyle guide for women who have better things to do
Many women would love to have the domestic goddess thing nailed, to waft around vintage fairs for collectible items to furnish their homes with, and to be able to spend all day preparing the
ultimate dinner party��ut this lifestyle guide accepts that women are�too busy to make their lives "just so." However that doesn't mean that their homes aren't important, and�the domestic
sluts cover�home interiors ("Hang your prettiest dresses from hooks on your bedroom wall, it'll give an instant boudoir feel." "Hide anything super-boring."), food and drink ("Pasta is the
domestic slut's secret weapon." "Mmm, honey. Who knew something puked up by an insect could be so delicious?"), style and beauty ("Thou shalt not listen to thine mother."), and living
(Vacation suggestions from Sicily to New York. What to do when you realize you're still drunk at work.). No Stepford Wife aspirations here, instead, this guide offers an aspiration to live
life to the full but with permission to be imperfect. Instead of compromising on fun,�the domestic sluts will teach�readers the quick and easy ways to do domestication on the go��s well as
revealing how to make a damn good cocktail. Includes dual measurements.