Wonder in Contemporary Artistic Practice
$6,750 -
Creating the Visitor-Centered Museum
$2,023 -
Hans Hofmann: The Artist’s Materials
$1,800 -
Museums and Families: Being of Value
$4,230 -
The Exhibitionist: Journal on Exhibition Making: The First Six Years
$1,398 -
Irish Stone Bridges: History and Heritage
$2,925 -
The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Cultures
$698 -
America’s National Gallery of Art
$3,375 -
Visiting the Visitor: An Enquiry into the Visitor Business in Museums
$2,025 -
American Art Directory 2017
$13,365 -
Lightfall: Genealogy of a Museum: Herta and Paul Amir Building, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
$1,750 -
The Story of the Design Museum
$523 -
A Night at the Odditorium
$1,050 -
Treasure Palaces: Great Writers Visit Great Museums
$595 -
Archive Everything: Mapping the Everyday
$1,890 -
Paik’s Virtual Archive: Time, Change, and Materiality in Media Art
$2,925 -
Religion in Museums: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
$1,213 -
WdW Review: Arts, Culture, and Journalism in Revolt (2013-2016)
$1,350 -
Private Art Museum Report
$1,715 -
Photography, Natural History and the Nineteenth-Century Museum: Exchanging Views of Empire