A set of five haunting, enchanting tales from the master storyteller behind War Horse
Since the beginning of time, strange and mysterious things have happened here.There are stories from the past of mermaids and spriggans and knockers and witches. The stories in this
book however do not come from the past. They have all happened in my lifetime.
At the furthest edge of Britain, where the sea gently washes over the land and myths brush against reality, lies Zennor.�Since the beginning of time strange and mysterious things have
happened there, and these stories highlight all the most haunting and enchanting events.�Once a year, on a misty fall night, there is a pounding of hoof beats as a great white horse comes
thundering over the moor in the moonlight. Then there are the old tin miners that Cherry meets when she is cut off by the incoming tide, as well as limping Billy who learns to swim with the
seals. The proud Thomas Barbery and the intriguing Mad Miss Marney also add their own stories to this unforgettable collection.