Marseguro, a water world far distant from Earth, is home to a small colony of both unmodified humans and the Selkies, a water-dwelling race created by geneticist Victor Hansen from modified
human DNA. For seventy years the Selkies and the unmodified landlings have dwelled together in peace, safe from pursuit by the current fanatical theocratic rulers of Earth.
But everything changes when Earth discovers Marseguro, and a strike force - with Victor Hansen's own grandson Richard aboard - is sent to eradicate this abomination.
Though the forces of Earth are equipped with weapons far superior to those of this peaceful, backwater planet, the people of Marseguro are not without resources to fi ght back. Soon it will
be hard to determine who has more to fear - those being attacked or the invaders from Earth....
Marseguro won Canada's prestigious Prix Aurora, and Terra Insegura was a finalist for this award.