In the summer of 1926, sixteen-year-old Garnet Richardson is sent to a lake resort to escape the polio epidemic in the city. She dreams of indulging her passion for ornithology and visiting
the famous new amusement park--a summer of fun before she returns for her final year of high school, after which she�� expected to marry a nice boy and settle into middle-class homemaking.
But in the country, Garnet finds herself under the supervision of equally oppressive guardians--her father�� wealthy cousin and the matron�� stuck-up daughter. Only a liberating job in a hat
shop, an intense, secret relationship with a daring and beautiful flapper, and a deep faith in her own fierce heart can save her from the suffocating boredom of traditional femininity.
Silhouette of a Sparrow is a coming-of-age story about a search for wildness in a confining time, and a simultaneous quest for security in an era full of unrest. It is the tale of a
young woman�� discovery of the science of risk and the art of rebellion, and of course, the power of unexpected love.