Freddy and the Perilous Adventure

Freddy and the Perilous Adventure
NT $ 385


First published between 1927 and 1958, the 26 classic books about Freddy the Pig have delighted five generations of children and are now going on to delight a sixth. They are available for the first time as Overlook paperbacks.

Strange and exciting adventures await Freddy and the two friendly ducks, Emma and Alice, when they get a chance to ride in a balloon at the Fourth of July celebration. If they or any of the other animals of Bean Farm had known what was really in store for the brave participants in the Balloon Ascension, they might have stayed quietly at home, listening to Freddy's poetry or to the boastful crowing of Charles. Once again, Walter R. Brooks has created an amusing and heartfelt adventure story that will delight grown-ups as well as children.
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