Attraction: It's biological. It's physical. It's chemical. It's mental. But it doesn't end there. It's also: Detectable. Manageable. Maneuverable.
In The Body Language of Dating, Tonya Reiman tackles the question of whether human attraction and seduction have changed over millions of years, drawing lines of flirting symmetry that
span millennia, cultures, species, and continents. By looking at the evolutionary purpose of every part of the male and the female body, The Body Language of Dating chronicles the
evolution of each major human bodily feature--why it is considered attractive or unattractive, good for longevity or detrimental to the gene pool, indicative of sexual success or failure.
Reiman crumples the timeline that separates us from our ancient ancestors to ask, "what has never changed? What attracts opposite sexes to one another, why does it work, and how has it
contributed to the longevity of our species?" The Body Language of Dating provides the tools needed for success in today's dating scenarios, offering practical tactics for seduction,
conversation, connection, and enduring romance.