A guide to the process of designing and installing a green roof?essential reading for anyone interested in energy-efficient buildings
Environmentally friendly buildings are a must for�the future, and among the many new ideas for buildings are green roofs?but what exactly is a green roof, and how do they work? Why are
individuals and businesses installing them, and how difficult is it to�install and maintain a green roof? This guide introduces the range of green roofs available, from the small garden shed
to towering skyscrapers; discusses the role of the green roof as part of an overall greening of a building and landscape; advises on types of vegetation to be grown, maintenance required, and
problems that can be encountered; analyzes the green roof movement; and describes residential and business case studies from across the world. With contributions from builders, architects,
and gardeners, this is not a self-help manual, as most green roofs will need a string of professionals, but a guide to the process of designing and installing a green roof.