Jude the Dude: The Peanut Allergy KidJude Has a Peanut Safe Halloween PartyJude the Dude: The Peanut Allergy Kid is having a Halloween party. He decorates, makes invitations and then buys the
food. In the store, he tells a baker about his peanut allergy and explains that baked goods are not safe. The baker understands mentioning that he bakes around peanuts and one could be left in
the pan. In the store, Jude and his mom also read all the ingredients on each item they buy to ensure peanuts are not in any part of the ingredients. Jude makes all the food for his Halloween
party, including cheese sandwiches. But learns his classmate is allergic to cheese and milk too! So, Jude actually makes adjustments to his friend's allergies as well. The food is put away and
the party guests that touched the cheese and milk wash their hands. No one wants anything bad to happen to Jude or Henry!Jude the Dude: The Peanut Allergy Kid and the Halloween party emphasizes
that those with peanut (and other food) allergies need to avoid high cross contamination risk areas (bakeries), read ingredients, wear or carry an Epi-Pen at all times, and not to be afraid to
ask their friends to wash their hands before playing together when the friends have come into contact with a life-threatening food allergen. It also talks about Jude and Henry both wearing
their Epi-Pen belt at all times so children who also have anaphylactic allergies relate to them and use them as an example and reminder to carry their Epi-Pen at all times. Finally, the book
encompasses the joy of friendship between friends with food allergies and those without them. The children have a fabulous time at the party. The food allergies present do not inhibit their
fun. They have a blast at the party playing games and jumping on the moonwalk.Review more Jude the Dude books at www.judethedude.com